Liberty Series

Read what our students are saying:

Erica - I want to thank you so much for your lovely demonstration today. I really had no idea how far you'd taken this and am astonished. You obviously have found your niche. And I'm not only talking about your skills with the WHR which are awesome, but your public presence and ability to help others find what you have found. You are a teacher. That is a whole other thing. The way you help and are not bothered with "mistakes" with yourself and others and just by passing that and staying present with all of it is something very lovely to watch.

There is so much fear out there in this world of horses/people about not being that or not looking bad or not appearing some way. It's just so gets in the way of everything good that could happen.

–– Mary Berkley, Santa Fe

I am so glad that I was able to take your class. I thought I could teach Canelo the Rituals by myself but during your classes I received so much insight on how and why they work. Your insights and suggestions were welcome and very helpful. Simple things like "look where you are going, not at the ground." when we companion walk. We practice this almost every day. I have gained a deeper connection and respect with the horses that I worked with, and especially with Canelo. I'm so grateful that you allowed me to bring him to the final class. Working with you and the horses has helped me develop my inner presence and inner strength.

–– Judy Chaddick, Santa Fe

The "Waterhole Rituals" workshop allowed me to reconnect with my joy of working with horses at a time when I was still recovering from back surgery. It showed me how much I enjoy being with horses even if I am not riding them.

    On a much deeper level it provided a safe space for me to look and feel my inner world and its reflection in the horse and the world. It showed me parts of myself that I was resisting and old patterns that I wanted to release. It revealed the power of presence and "holding space" rather than forcing a situation. The workshop help transform my relationship with my son and how I viewed him. I was reminded of the value and importance of focusing on the energy I bring to any interaction. A lifelong practice to be sure! Thank you again for the "sacred space" you provided.

–– Margret Buckman, Santa Fe

Before meeting Erica I knew very little about Liberty Work.  She started from the beginning and taught me the philosophy behind it, she went through the rituals and what we are looking to accomplish with this method of training.  Erica teaches with passion and patience, and is wonderful to work with.  The goal of leading the horse through the heart-connection is easy to follow when you see Erica's connection and leadership she has established with her horses.  When working with my youngster, she was patient and calm, yet established strong leadership.  I feel that we are all connected to our horses and we all LOVE our horses, but to learn the skill to lead them with this connection is amazing!  I will use what I have learned throughout my entire life and all of my journeys with my horses.

–– Sage Riegel, Boulder Colorado

Classes for connecting with the heart of the horse

A series of intimate group sessions with the horses, intended for people with all levels of experience around horses. We will begin this exploration together as a group, and learn from and with each other about the horse. I will demonstrate and teach about this method of connecting to the horse, and everyone will have the opportunity to participate and interact with the horses often. Mostly we will be working with our own horses. If you are interested in bringing your horse please give me

a call.

What you can expect to gain from this class:

  Create the deepest bond with a horse

  Gain intimate knowledge about horses and yourself

  Discover how to influence and shape horse behavior

  See the truth about ourselves as the horses reflect us

•  Transform yourself into a sensitive and capable  


•  Know what it takes to have the horse seek out your     

    presence and direction.

Liberty training is about connecting right to the heart of the horse. Without the use of ropes or constraints of any kind the horse is free to engage or not to. It becomes our job to become the kind of leaders at every moment that each particular horse is looking for. There can be nothing inside of us that is not truthful going on if I want to attract and lead them.  Anyone can find their authentic leadership using these methods, and there are deep benefits to working in this way along with training under saddle. Even the most pessimistic horse can become a soft, willing, curious and trusting optimist. Even the most timid rider can gain confidence and influence once the relationship with their horse is right.

New class series to be announced

Please contact us for more information!

copyright 2018